Refund and Returns Policy

As our esteemed customer, our commitment is to ensure that you have the best experience on this site and are happy with all your purchases.

The products we sell on this site are digitally downloadable. Immediately after your order processing is complete, your purchased products become readily available for download. Due to the nature of these products, once they are delivered to you for download, we cannot take them back.

Therefore, by continuing to use this service, you agree to the following returns and refund policy:

Digital products sold on this site are non-returnable and non-refundable. We regret, therefore, that once you have purchased the products, your order may not be cancelled or refunded.

However, if you experience difficulty accessing or downloading your purchased products, we are here to help. Please see your purchase invoice/receipt for our support contact details or email us at

The site is designed and configured in such a way that you can only order one quantity of a specific product. However, in the case of accidental multiple orders on a single product, we will refund you for the extra quantities ordered upon proof and verification of accidental multiple orders.

We hope this returns and refund policy brings more transparency into our relationship and helps us serve you better.

If you have questions concerning the policy, please contact us at:

Mobile: +254 759 912 258



Last updated: July 3, 2024.

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